An Introduction to Pre-Paving
Kings and queens have attendants to set everything up for them. Before the queen goes to her summer palace, the attendants get it all clean and pretty. They put flowers in every room, stock the kitchen with all her favourite pastries, perfume the sheets, that kind of thing. The queen knows that when she arrives, everything will be set up according to her preferences. She knows this because she also knows that if it’s not the case, heads will roll! What if I said that you too can live the life of a king or a queen? That you too have attendants who are awaiting your instructions? If you’ve been reading this blog for long enough, you can guess what these attendants are called… There are three of them and they are called Law, Of and Attraction. Law of Attraction, get it?
Maybe you wish that everywhere you go people would smile at you and treat you like royalty. This is possible! Or maybe you would like to know that when you get home and start on an assignment, the work will flow easily—you get lots of ideas and you complete the project quickly enough to have time to also play computer games. This too is possible! Because guess what? The law of attraction is more effective than anyone you could possibly hire, even with the threat of a beheading. The law of attraction can make people genuinely kind and it can send you exciting ideas, feats that would be impossible even for the very best lady-in-waiting.
So how do you get the law of attraction to work for you? By a process called pre-paving. Pre-paving is basically when you tell the law of attraction what you want out of a situation before entering it. Do you want a good night’s sleep? Then imagine yourself falling asleep the second your head hits the pillow, journeying through fields of daisies in your dreams and waking up as refreshed as if it was your first day on earth. The key here is to do the visualization and feel the satisfaction before you even get into bed (or more generally, before you get tangled up in the situation in question). That’s why it’s called pre-paving.
Abraham are the ones who recommend this and it makes total sense. When is it easier to imagine someone being nice—before meeting them or while they’re shouting at you? Hopefully you picked the first option because otherwise the rest of this explanation really won’t make sense. Before the situation gets underway, you don’t have any real world evidence contradicting the pictures you are building. You can say you’re going to win the lottery today and no one’s going to tell you any different, not in the privacy of your mind.
That’s why this process might not be the best option when you’re about to do something you never enjoy. Do you get cold chills every time you have to take a math test? Pre-paving the experience by telling yourself that it’s going to be as fun as baking cookies might not work very well. Don’t force it if trying to visualize a positive future experience is a struggle. Like with any process, the ultimate purpose is to generate better-feeling thoughts. Not frustration. That’s why we talk about so many different processes. The decision about which one to apply will depend on how you feel.
Start pre-paving your experiences today. Soon you won’t want to approach any situation without asking the law of attraction to get it nice and pretty before you get there.