The Breadcrumb Trail of Excitement
This method was introduced by Bentinho Massaro who has lots of interesting YouTube videos up for those of you who want to explore his teachings. The basic idea is that at any given moment you choose the most exciting option available to you. This might be an activity or a thought to focus on—it doesn’t matter. What matters is how it feels to you. It’s not the activity in and of itself that is “exciting” but rather your sense of it. So, potentially, in a given moment, reading your favorite book might be more exciting than bungee jumping. Pay attention to what is going on inside you, not what other people say is fun. It also means that how you rate these activities will change. It might be that reading the book starts out as the most exciting thing, but two chapters down the line, you just want to jump into a cold lake. That’s why the method is called a breadcrumb trail. It’s not about choosing something and following it in a straight line. You have to keep your eyes peeled for the next exciting nugget and check in with yourself constantly.
Bentinho mentions that it’s about trying your best to follow the trail. At any given time, there might be several options that are exciting. Some might be too big and scary to consider (like telling your English teacher that she can shred your essay and eat it like ramen if she doesn’t like it). But there are other options that might be less daring and still make you feel fizzy like soda. How about talking to that new kid in your class? It’s not going to land you in detention. The worst that could happen is an awkward conversation.