3 Manifestation Superpowers Kids Already Have
There are all kinds of books and movies and courses out there that teach adults how to make the law of attraction work for them, but you as a kid have a big advantage. You’re already doing lots of those things. Don’t believe me? Let’s take a look.
You’ve got imagination.
Most adults have spent too long worrying about their jobs, mortgages, husbands, cats, gardens, cars, dinners, fill-in-the-blanks to remember what that is. They be like, “Imagination, iMagination, is that the latest Apple product?” So you my friend have the advantage here, the advantage of seeing beyond the tip of your nose. “So?” you might be wondering. “What’s the big what?”
Well, first of all, it’s a lot of fun. You get to whiz around the world, to outer space or another universe entirely and you don’t even have to get out of bed! That’s pretty cool as far as I’m concerned. Now, if you need a reason to have fun (hard to believe but true–adults actually need convincing!), you should know that the law of attraction pays attention to how you feel. So if you feel great, it will give you more reasons to get excited. Real life stuff like shiny new friends, beaches to explore, games you didn’t know existed…
There’s another reason why imagination is powerful though. Ready? Well, the first step in creating something is imagining it. That makes sense, doesn’t it? It’s like drawing. You see it in your head before putting it down on paper. The same process applies to creating an amazing birthday party or the best friend ever. So when the possibilities inside your head are exciting and bright, that’s what your life looks like too.
You accept your emotions.
What? Is that really a thing? Sounds made up, doesn’t it? And not in a good way. It sounds like when adults use a whole bunch of words but say nothing at all in the end. You might be wondering what else you could possibly do with emotions. A lot it turns out. Lie about them, burry them, ignore them… Now don’t roll your eyes. Emotions are invisible so it’s easy to think they don’t matter. Except they do.
There’s this thing called the Emotional Guidance System. It’s your own personal GPS for finding your goodies. Another way to think about it is in terms of the game Hot and Cold. In case you’ve never heard of it, this is how it works. Your friend hides a button or an egg or a whatever in the house and you find it by listening to her instructions. She tells you whether you are warm (somewhat close), warmer (closer), hot (so close!), boiling (right on top of it!!!) or instead cold, colder, freezing or in Siberia. Emotions are the same way. Enjoyable feelings like hope, excitement, joy, love tell you you’re close while the icky ones like frustration, anger, sadness are the ones that signal you that you have a longer way to go.
That’s where accepting your emotions comes in handy. How are you going to find the button or the egg if all you do is go around in circles with your fingers plugged into your ears refusing to listen to your friend? Not the most winning strategy if you ask me. So the first step to using your Emotional Guidance System is to listen to it!
You don’t do stuff you don’t like.
Your mom has been on your back about cleaning your room since the beginning of the year, but you’ve avoided it until now. Or maybe you LOVE arranging your room, but you’re sick of your dad forcing you to eat cookies (could happen!). Doesn’t matter what it is. We all have things we don’t like. But it’s only after much dragging of feet and pouting that kids do them. That’s not a bad thing. It’s called having fire, sass, spark, spirit, all the things that make you fast and bright like a shooting star. That’s what’s gotten dim in adults and it’s the reason most of them walk around like a bunch of zombie robots.
The fact is you have better things to do, stuff you actually like. Perfect. Because you know what? Feeling good is good for you! In fact, it’s how you feel naturally unless you get in your own way. Abraham describes it this way: a cork is going to float on the water unless you hold it down. It’s the same with your emotions. You don’t have to do anything special to feel good. You just have to stop doing the stuff that feels bad and that includes thinking unpleasant thoughts. Pretty simple, right? And easy. That’s kind of the point. Life is supposed to be easy and to feel good. Somehow most of the adults have gotten themselves convinced of the opposite, but you don’t have to do that. You can choose differently and decide not to give up your kid superpowers.