Search for Meaning in Our Life!
A Sickness that Save Me!
A few years ago I got very sick, I did not know what was wrong with me but I knew it was not good. To make this story short, it was through this trial that I found a real meaning in my life.
I understood I was here for a purpose and if my life was indeed running out of time, I needed to find that purpose and make the best out of it.
I started reading books, listening to inspirational speakers, and studying the life of great people.
I was searching for meaning to live. Why I was here? What was I supposed to do with my life? I needed to find a purpose. Something stronger than just getting out of bed to take care of my family, work and then back to repeat the same cycle.
I was searching for meaning to life. Why I was here? What I was supposed to do with my life? I needed to find a purpose. Something stronger than just getting out of bed to take care of my family, work and then back to repeat the same cycle.
The more I studied the more I started to find meaning for me, for my life.
It’s a gradual process, where you move from incompetent to be align with the Universe, with our Creator.
Our life should be rich, meaningful and full of adventure. Everyday we should get up and realized we are God’s most amazing creation. God gave us all this potential not to just get by, but to find meaning and awesomeness.
Change your habits, and change your life. Find real meaning and make everyday count. Do not worry about others people opinion, worry about finding your purpose and real meaning.
Understand you are full of potentials. Let’s make everyday an adventure as we don’t know for how long we will get to be here.
But we need to remember, this is not a one-time thing. The search for meaning should be what we do every single day of your life for as long as we are here.
Just Do it. We’ve got nothing to lose but an amazing life to gain.
Peace be with you!