This is not your typical parenting blog! If you feel this is for you, please join us in this journey of conscious parenting by teaching our kids about:
Kids are born with a limitless soul. Unfortunately, as parents we keep reminding them of their limitations. It is time to get out of the norm and help our kids DREAM BIG! Kids are a natural for this and with your help they can learn to take imagination to the next level.
This is a critical age where kids end being FREE spirits and become part of a system that set all kind of rules. How do we keep those spirits alive? How do we inspire young kids to keep dreaming in an atmosphere that does not encourange it?
This is such a critical period in the life of our kids. It is imperative we give our kids the tools they need to succed in life. We know we are here for a purpose and our main goal is to help them find such purpose so they can align their vision and goals to it.
The laws of the Universe are so precise that we have no difficulties building a spaceship and sending people to the moon. We can even time the landing with almost complete precision. How could it be that this is possible considering the distance from the moon?
It is so important that we concentrate on raising our kids up and not pushing them down. They need us to remind them how amazing they are.
Be positive. Do not say “I can’t” say “How Can I?” We need to teach our kids to stay in a positive energy at all times. Let’s avoid bad habits!
Life is not about taking from it, but it is also about how much you give back. Give and you will received. Is a critical Law we must teach.
Teach your kids the importance to focus in their dreams and desires with a positive attitude and full expectation. Dream! Dream! Dream!