Your Life as a Movie
If your life was a movie, what would it look like? Where would you live? Who would be the supporting characters (the star would be you of course!)? What would it be about? Hopefully you have answers to these questions because in a lot of ways your life is like a movie. Maybe this whole time you have been feeling like an extra on the set of your own biopic without realizing that you are the lead, yes, but that you also have another very important position. The one of director! A good understanding of the law of attraction is one way to get back into the director’s chair.
Being a conscious creator comes with the realization that the outside world can be moulded. It’s no more fixed than a film set. Now guess what the script is to the story of your life. One clue—it lives between your ears. If you guessed your mind or your thoughts… Ding ding ding! That is Corrrrrrrrrect! (And if you didn’t, try again. Should be easy enough with the answer right in front of you!) The shape of your external reality is determined by your internal reality.
I’m sure you’ve had this happen to you. You’re on your way to a meeting. Maybe this girl annoys you. You’re in the car and literally the whole time you’re stewing about how she’s going to say this or that and then even though you answer in this way, she’s going to find a way to twist it into that and blah blah blah. Do you know what you’re doing? You’re rehearsing the lines for the next scene in your life. Except it’s even more powerful than that because you’re rehearsing her lines too! You tell the law of attraction how you want other people to treat you after all. So if that was you, maybe you need to go back to the script and come up with a more enjoyable plot.
Did you know that before they start to shoot, the filmmakers go through a process called story-boarding? This is basically where they sit down and draw pictures of what’s going to appear on the screen in a series of little sketches, kind of like for a comic book. What other board does a storyboard remind you of? A vision board maybe? They certainly serve the same purpose. They are previews of what’s to come, previews that you can play with until you get them looking just right. One of the reasons filmmakers do this is to save time and money. It’s better to know the story-line needs to be changed while it’s still on paper rather than in the middle of shooting. A process like vision boarding can do the same for you—the clearer you are, the more aligned you are, the faster you will get to where you want to go. What you save by doing this is far more valuable than film, it’s the hours, days, even years, that make up your life.
When you see the ways in which life is like a movie, you regain control of the action. You do this by paying attention to the script (and changing it if it’s no good!) and by creating a story board that you are happy with so that when the clapperboard claps, life unfolds like you want it to.