The Thin Edge of the Wedge
Think of a classic wedge of cheese or a doorstopper. They have one side that starts as almost nothing and grows and grows until it reaches its maximum width on the other side. This is the name of the new strategy we are introducing today. Just for you and only here on your favourite blog! The beauty of the law of attraction is that it does the heavy lifting for you. It takes something small like a thought or a feeling and matches it up with a real life physical manifestation. By attracting like to like, it makes what you focus on grow. That’s why when the going is good, it only gets better and when you’re having an unfun day, things seem to go from bad to worse. Use this property to your advantage!
This process starts with a simple question: “What can I do to feel a little better right now?” This isn’t about reaching the peaks of bliss, at least not yet, and it’s not about setting impossibly-high standards for what you’re going to do. It’s about changing your internal makeup now—not at some future point where everything will be perfectly set up for you to feel better. In fact you could even ask yourself “What’s the smallest thing I can do to feel better right now?” Either way, remember the thin edge of the wedge. It’s about starting small. It could be a mini-meditation to clear your mind—three deep breaths while you try not to think of anything. It could be petting your cat. It could be watching an Abraham video. It could be reaching for a thought that feels just a little better than the ones you have been giving your attention to up to that point. See how small the steps can be? But small things can pack a punch. One small step is where it all begins.
Hopefully at this point you’re feeling a little better. If your answer is no, maybe you just need to play closer attention—the change might be very subtle. If your answer is still no, try again!
Now that you’re feeling better maybe you’re already inspired to new thoughts or activities that will take you further down this path. Maybe you started out playing with your dog, felt a little better, then got the idea to take him for a walk around your neighbourhood. Great! Do it! It’s fine if you aren’t quite on a roll yet. Just ask yourself the starting question again: “What can I do to feel a little better right now?”
The nifty thing about this question is that you can ask it at any time. If you are already feeling pretty good, it can only make you feel better and if you are on the other side of the spectrum, this is a question that has the potential to reverse the downward slide of your feelings. Try it now. Go on. Start at the thin edge of the wedge and watch as the law of attraction makes it grow.