No More Waiting!
Waiting is the most pointless thing on earth. There are lots of distasteful activities that at least seem useful—taking out the garbage, making your bed, eating brussel sprouts—but waiting…. Tell me one thing that it gets you. You can’t, right? Well I thought of one thing, but that’s it. The advantage of waiting is it can teach you to stop waiting. Whoopdeedoo. Let’s throw a party.
Since you are such a fan of waiting (not), why do it? By the way, when I talk about abolishing waiting, I am not (just) talking about the kind you do when you’re in line. Sure, pulling out your goal card while you’re waiting for the bus is a great habit. As is thinking of things to be grateful for while brushing your teeth. But it’s not enough. What people typically call waiting is just a symptom of a chronic, generalised habit of mind that we are convinced is a fact of life. The kind that makes you say “One day, when I get a pink Mustang, I’ll be happy.” It comes from being stuck in the meat-and-potatoes version of the world which makes us blind to its vibrational overlay. No no no no no nononononononono. That will just not do.
First of all the feeling of waiting is just yucky and second of all, guess what waiting gets you? More waiting. That’s right. You think the world will be made of candy when you get your pink Mustang? By practicing the vibration of waiting, you make it really hard to attract that car to yourself. And when (if) you do, it won’t be fun because you’ll already be waiting for something else.
Bentinho Massaro, who we have talked about before, is not a fan of waiting either. In fact, he thinks you shouldn’t wait. Ever. You should do and have and be, whatever you want, right now. “Great,” you may reply. “What a novel idea. Why didn’t I think of that?!” Maybe your face is getting a little red. Steam is coming out of your ears. With great sarcasm you might say, “Duh. Good to know it’s sooooo easy.” And you wouldn’t be wrong. It really is that easy. Just do your best to experience what you want from wherever you are in life.
That pink Mustang? Get a picture of it and stick it on your door. Create a Driving Playlist, turn the volume all the way up and see yourself zooming down the highway. Stick your face in front of a fan, feel the wind rushing through your hair. Find your contact point to the dream. Maybe what you are really craving is speed and half an hour of skateboarding will hit the spot. Maybe you just want an excuse to walk around wearing sunglasses and a silk scarf around your head. Whatever it is, you can have it right now.
This isn’t really a “process”. Not in the sense that you are doing this to get to something or somewhere else. If that’s how you see it, you are doing it wrong and are still waiting. This is it. This is your dream life right now.