Law of Attraction – Preparing for 2017!
How wonderful would it be if we can teach our children the Law of Attraction to make 2017 their best year yet!
If you are a beginner, let us begin by telling you how simple it is:
- When we feel good –> we give out positive vibes and we attract positive things
- When we feel bad –> we give out negative vibes and we attract negative things
- In other words: What we give away, we attract back to us!
- So in Summary: Our Thoughts Can Change Our Lives for the Best or the Worst…
Now, our thoughts and feelings are able to create vibrations, and these vibrations are responsible for what we attract into our lives.
This points out to the undeniable truth that – You are the creator of your own reality and that is why it is so fascinating to know that you can shape your life the way you want.
Yes that brings us to the question of how – So let’s put it in as few words as possible,
For starters, it almost always sounds just fancy! But that’s okay!
As babies, we are invincibles; we are superheroes. But as we grow up we keep hearing “NO” and things like:
“It will be very hard for you to reach your goals”
“No Pain No Gain”
“No free lunches”
“Only hard work gives result, so work hard!”
That is when we stop being superheroes and we become just another person that is content with the status quo.
Have you ever wondered why happy people seems to get all that they want? Or why people that always complain and are negative tend to be less lucky? Could it be a coincidence?
“What if, the life we live today was bit by bit and thought by thought, created by us!”
Let’s not stop thinking and opening ourselves to learning there.
Before we start, have you ever studied the power of the conscious and sub-conscious minds? If not, do not worry. We have made it our goal to introduce all the concepts of the Law of Attraction to help people get set to the best year yet!
To give you a quick introduction to who I am, I have always been positive, and have always got what I wanted. I get why you might feel it’s silly enough because I admit – I was not sure why .. I just enjoyed my life to the fullest.
But then I started to study the laws and came to the realization that it was not by accident or just luck, but it was all consequence of what I was attracting into my life.
What was it that I was doing differently?
I was very thankful and every morning I took the time to show GRATITUDE; towards- life, family, health and everything that this universe has given me.
This was when I realized how miraculous it is, to wake up with a belief that today will be an amazing day and you will bless as many people as you can.
Similarly, I understood how true it is that every good deed by me or through me brings only goodness and how each negative thought brings back only negativity to me.
Knowing this and understanding that life’s good when we are good to ourselves, others, everything and everyone; let’s pave the way to the best year yet. Your 2017 will be amazing .. and we will make sure that remains so; together 🙂