You carry your attitude with you all day long. The people that interact with you not only listen to your words, but can feel your attitude. It does not matter what you say, if your attitude is negative, that is what you are putting in the table.
Bad attitude, is bad manners. Please keep it to yourself!
A genius attitude is getting up in the morning and deciding that no matter what cross your path during the day, you will take it with a positive attitude. When you do that, you give the Universe all you have got and by doing it you attract positive things to you.
If you understand how damaging a bad attitude can be to your life and to your future in general, you will choose to bring the best of you daily.
A positive attitude will bring more happiness and success in every area of your life.
Unfortunately, I will say that less than half of the population in this Planet are in control of their attitude. The other half let their attitude being control by other people, the conditions, and circumstances of their lives. The sad part is that they do not realized the influence that their attitude have in the quality of their lives.
Definition for Attitude
a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior.
Now, Now let’s break this down. Attitudes are:
The feelings in your mind will determine your attitude. The physical expression of those attitudes are automatic and anyone around you will feel it. I can easily tell how things will go in our meetings the moments I enter the room. Is like when you enter a room and there is a couple fighting? You can easily feel the negative energy.
You can say, I am so sorry I did not know I was being so rude. Well, that’s too bad; you lose. In life there is no allowance for ignorance. If you jump from the top of the skyscraper you die, there is no allowance for ignorance.Respect the laws of the Universe.
Conscious choice is where are all future success and genius begins.